Quick Manual

Boolean Networks

Create a Boolean network from a text based definition file in boolnet format. Use &, | and ! for conjunction, disjunction and negation and separate the variable name from its activation expression by a comma. Values for constant activation are 0 and 1. Example of BNET file:

 v1,    !v1
v2,    1
v3,    v2 & (!v1 | v3)

Read a BNET file or its string contents with the function bnet2primes of the module FileExchange. It returns the prime implicant representation of a network:

>>> primes = PyBoolNet.FileExchange.bnet2primes(bnet)

Use the module PrimeImplicants to inspect and modify a network. For example, find all constant variables using find_constants:

>>> const = PrimeImplicants.find_constants(primes)
>>> print(const)
{'v2': 1}

Or create new variables using create_variables:

>>> PyBoolNet.PrimeImplicants.create_variables(primes, {"v4": "v4 | v2"})

You may also use python functions to define the update of a variable:

>>> PyBoolNet.PrimeImplicants.create_variables(primes, {"v5": lambda v1,v2,v3: sum(v1,v2,v3)==1})

Convert to primes back to the BNET format using primes2bnet:

>>> print(PyBoolNet.FileExchange.primes2bnet(primes))
v2,  1

v1,  !v1
v3,  v2&v3 | v2&!v1
v4,  v4 | v2

v5,  !v2&v3&!v1 | v2&!v3&!v1 | !v2&!v3&v1

PyBoolNet has its own network repository. To browse it online, visit

  • github.com/hklarner/pyboolnet/tree/master/pyboolnet/Repository

To access a network from the repository use the function get_primes of the module Repository:

>>> primes = get_primes("remy_tumorigenesis")
>>> print(PyBoolNet.FileExchange.primes2bnet(primes))
DNA_damage,         DNA_damage
EGFR_stimulus,      EGFR_stimulus
FGFR3_stimulus,     FGFR3_stimulus
Growth_arrest,      p21CIP | RBL2 | RB1
Proliferation,      CyclinE1 | CyclinA

Read the references for FileExchange and PrimeImplicants for more on this topic. For a tutorial script on this topic see 01_boolean_networks.py in the tutorials folder at

  • github.com/hklarner/pyboolnet/tree/master/Tutorials

Interaction Graphs

The basic function for drawing interaction graphs is igs_create_image of the module InteractionGraphs:

>>> primes = get_primes("remy_tumorigenesis")
>>> PyBoolNet.InteractionGraphs.create_image(primes, "igraph.pdf")
created igraph.pdf

The look of the interaction graph may be modified by one of the predefined styles:

>>> PyBoolNet.InteractionGraphs.create_image(primes, "igraph2.pdf", Styles=["sccs", "anonymous"])
created igraph2.pdf

The next level of customizing the look of an interaction graph is to style the interaction graph with graphviz properties. Examples of node properties are shape, label, style, width, color and fillcolor. Examples of edge properties are arrowhead, label and color. To obtain the interaction graph use primes2igraph of the module InteractionGraphs. To draw a styled igraph use igraph2image:

>>> for x in igraph.nodes():
...        if "GF" in x:
...         igraph.node[x]["shape"] = "square"
...            igraph.node[x]["fillcolor"] = "lightblue"

>>> PyBoolNet.InteractionGraphs.igraph2image(igraph, "igraph3.pdf")
created igraph3.pdf

You may also compute the local interaction graph of a given state. To generate a random state, use random_state of the module StateTransitionGraphs. To compute the local interaction graph use local_igraph_of_state of InteractionGraphs:

>>> state = PyBoolNet.StateTransitionGraphs.random_state(primes)
>>> local_igraph = PyBoolNet.InteractionGraphs.local_igraph_of_state(state)
>>> PyBoolNet.InteractionGraphs.add_style_interactionsigns(local_igraph)
>>> PyBoolNet.InteractionGraphs.igraph2image(local_igraph, "local_igraph.pdf")
created local_igraph.pdf

Read the references for InteractionGraphs for more on this topic. For a tutorial script on this topic see 02_interaction_graphs.py in the tutorials folder at

  • github.com/hklarner/pyboolnet/tree/master/Tutorials

State Transition Graphs

Drawing and styling state transition graphs is analogous to interaction graphs:

>>> primes = get_primes("xiao_wnt5a")
>>> PyBoolNet.StateTransitionGraphs.create_image(primes, "asynchronous", "stg.pdf")
created stg.pdf

The update may be either asynchronous or synchronous. You may specify initial states as a single state or several states, a subspace or a python indicator function:

>>> PyBoolNet.StateTransitionGraphs.create_image(primes, "asynchronous", "stg2.pdf", InitialStates={"x6":0, "x7":0}, Styles=["anonymous", "tendencies", "mintrapspaces"])
created stg2.pdf

To draw paths use add_style_path. A random walk ma be computed using random_walk:

>>> path = PyBoolNet.StateTransitionGraphs.random_walk(primes, "asynchronous", InitialState="11---00", Length=4)
>>> stg = PyBoolNet.StateTransitionGraphs.primes2stg(primes, "asynchronous")
>>> PyBoolNet.StateTransitionGraphs.add_style_path(stg, path, Color="red")
>>> PyBoolNet.StateTransitionGraphs.stg2image(stg, "stg3.pdf")
created stg3.pdf

The module StateTransitionGraphs contains also functions to compute factor graphs in which the state space is partitioned into classes. The classical example is the SCC graph:

>>> primes = get_primes("randomnet_n7k3")
>>> stg = PyBoolNet.StateTransitionGraphs.primes2stg(primes, "asynchronous")
>>> scc_graph = PyBoolNet.StateTransitionGraphs.stg2sccgraph(stg)
>>> PyBoolNet.StateTransitionGraphs.sccgraph2image(scc_graph, "scc_graph.pdf")

The condensation graph is like the scc graph but transient states are removed:

>>> cograph = PyBoolNet.StateTransitionGraphs.stg2condensationgraph(stg)
>>> PyBoolNet.StateTransitionGraphs.sccgraph2image(cograph, "cograph.pdf")

The hierarchical transition graph is even further compressed by considering the attractors of the stg:

>>> htg = PyBoolNet.StateTransitionGraphs.stg2htg(stg)
>>> PyBoolNet.StateTransitionGraphs.htg2image(htg, "htg.pdf")

Reachability questions of the form “Is there a path from an initial state X to a goal state Y?” may be answered by a best first search algorithm with the function best_first_reachability. The search is guided by reducing the hamming distance to the goal space:

>>> X = "0--1-1-"
>>> Y = "1--0---"
>>> path = PyBoolNet.StateTransitionGraphs.best_first_reachability(primes, InitialSpace=X, GoalSpace=Y)
>>> if path:
...        for x in path:
...            print(x)
... else:
...        print("no path found")


Finally, you may compute the integer-valued energy of a state, based on “frozen variables” with the function energy:

>>> x = "0001011"
>>> e = PyBoolNet.StateTransitionGraphs.energy(primes, x)
>>> print(e)

Read the references for StateTransitionGraphs for more on this topic. For a tutorial script on this topic see 03_state_transition_graphs.py in the tutorials folder at

  • github.com/hklarner/pyboolnet/tree/master/Tutorials

Model Checking

The basic function for LTL and CTL model checking is check_primes of the module ModelChecking. The initial states and the specification must be given in NuSMV syntax. For LTL specs use the keyword LTLSPEC, for CTL specs use CTLSPEC and for initial states use INIT:

>>> primes = get_primes("remy_tumorigenesis")
>>> init = "INIT TRUE"
>>> spec = "CTLSPEC DNA_damage -> AG(EF(Apoptosis_medium))"
>>> answer = PyBoolNet.ModelChecking.check_primes(primes, "asynchronous", init, spec)

For model checking with accepting states use check_primes_with_acceptingstates. The function returns a dictionary of further information regarding the initial and accepting states:

>>> answer, accepting = PyBoolNet.ModelChecking.check_primes_with_acceptingstates(primes, "asynchronous", init, spec)
>>> for key, value in accepting.items():
...        print("{} = {}".format(key, value))

INIT_SIZE = 8153726976
INIT = E2F1_medium & (ATM_medium & (CHEK1_2_medium ... | !(Apoptosis_high)))))))))
ACCEPTING_SIZE = 34359738368
INITACCEPTING = E2F1_medium & (ATM_medium & (CHEK1_2_medium & (E2F3_medium & (Apoptosis_medium | ... !(Apoptosis_high)))))))))

Finally, the function check_primes_with_counterexample returns a CTL or LTL counter example, if the query is false:

>>> spec = "CTLSPEC DNA_damage -> AG(EF(Proliferation))"
>>> answer, counterex = PyBoolNet.ModelChecking.check_primes_with_counterexample(primes, "asynchronous", init, spec)
>>> print(answer)
>>> if counterex:
...     for state in counterex:
...         print(state)
{'RB1': 0, 'GRB2': 0, 'RAS': 0, 'p16INK4a': 0, 'Proliferation': 0, ..., 'DNA_damage': 1, 'FGFR3': 0, 'Apoptosis_high': 0, 'CyclinD1': 0, 'p21CIP': 0}

Read the references for StateTransitionGraphs for more on this topic. For a tutorial script on this topic see 04_model_checking.py in the tutorials folder at

  • github.com/hklarner/pyboolnet/tree/master/Tutorials


The two basic functions for finding attractors are Tarjan’s algorithm and the random walk algorithm. Tarjan’s algorithm is exact but requires the full STG as input and is therefore limited to smaller networks:

>>> primes = get_primes("tournier_apoptosis")
>>> stg = PyBoolNet.StateTransitionGraphs.primes2stg(primes, "asynchronous")
>>> steady, cyclic = PyBoolNet.Attractors.compute_attractors_tarjan(stg)
>>> steady
['000101010000', '011000010000']
>>> cyclic
[{'011000010011', '111010010111', ..., '111010001111', '011010000011', '011010001001'}]

The random walk algorithm works for larger networks but it finds only a single attractor:

>>> state = PyBoolNet.Attractors.find_attractor_state_by_randomwalk_and_ctl(primes, "asynchronous")
>>> print(state)

To compute all attractors with an advanced model checking algorithm use the function attractors_compute_json:

>>> attrs = PyBoolNet.Attractors.compute_json(primes, "asynchronous", FnameJson="attrs.json")

Inspect the json structure with e.g. http://jsonviewer.stack.hu/. Iterate of the attractors and print representative states:

>>> attrs["is_complete"]
>>> for x in attrs["attractors"]:
...        print(x["is_steady"])
...        print(x["state"]["str"])


To compute the weak, strong and cycle-free basins of a subspace use the functions weak_basins, strong_basin and cyclefree_basin:

>>> primes = get_primes("tournier_apoptosis")
>>> attrs = PyBoolNet.Attractors.compute_json(primes, "asynchronous")
>>> state = attrs["attractors"][0]["state"]["str"]
>>> weak = PyBoolNet.Basins.weak_basin(primes, "asynchronous", state)
>>> for key, value in weak.items():
...        print("{} = {}".format(key, value))

formula = !(TNF | !(NFkB | (NFkBnuc | ((IKKa | ((CARP | (IAP | !(C8a))) | !C3a)) | !IkB))))
size = 2040
perc = 49.8046875

>>> strong = PyBoolNet.Basins.strong_basin(primes, "asynchronous", state)
>>> for key, value in strong.items():
...        print("{} = {}".format(key, value))

size = 704
perc = 17.1875
formula = !(TNF | (IKKa | (C3a | !(T2 & (CARP & (IAP | !(C8a)) | !CARP & (IAP)) | !T2 & (IAP | !(C8a))))))

>>> cycfree = PyBoolNet.Basins.cyclefree_basin(primes, "asynchronous", state)
>>> for key, value in cycfree.items():
...        print("{} = {}".format(key, value))

formula = !(TNF | (IKKa | (C3a | !(T2 & (CARP & (IAP | !(C8a)) | !CARP & (IAP)) | !T2 & (IAP | !(C8a))))))
size = 352
perc = 8.59375

To plot the sizes of the basins as a bar plot or a pie chart use compute_basins. It extends the attrs data obtained from compute_json.

>>> PyBoolNet.Basins.compute_basins(attrs)
>>> PyBoolNet.Basins.create_basins_of_attraction_barplot(attrs, "basin_barplot.pdf")
>>> PyBoolNet.Basins.create_phenotypes_piechart(attrs, "basin_piechart.pdf")


To compute the commitment diagram use the function create_diagram of the module Commitment. It requires the attractors data as input:

>>> primes = get_primes("tournier_apoptosis")
>>> attrs = PyBoolNet.Attractors.compute_json(primes, "asynchronous")
>>> diag = PyBoolNet.Commitment.compute_diagram(attrs)

Commitment diagrams may be visualized as graphs or piecharts:

>>> PyBoolNet.Commitment.diagram2image(diag, "commitment_diag.pdf")
>>> PyBoolNet.Commitment.create_piechart(diag, "commitment_pie.pdf")


To compute phenotypes you need the attractors data and define markers:

>>> primes = get_primes("arellano_rootstem")
>>> attrs = PyBoolNet.Attractors.compute_json(primes, "asynchronous")
>>> markers = ["WOX", "MGP"]
>>> phenos = PyBoolNet.Phenotypes.compute_json(attrs, markers)

Inspect the json structure with e.g. http://jsonviewer.stack.hu/. Access the existing marker patterns via:

>>> for pheno in phenos["phenotypes"]:
...     print(pheno["name"])
...     print(pheno["pattern"])

Pheno A
Pheno B
Pheno C

And draw the diagram with phenotypes_compute_diagram:

>>> PyBoolNet.Phenotypes.compute_diagram(phenos, FnameImage="phenos_diagram.pdf")

Trap spaces

The main function for computing minimal and maximal trap spaces is trap_spaces:

>>> primes = get_primes("remy_tumorigenesis")
>>> mints = PyBoolNet.AspSolver.trap_spaces(primes, "min")
>>> len(mints)
>>> maxts = PyBoolNet.AspSolver.trap_spaces(primes, "max")
>>> len(maxts)

As a special case use the ASP solver to compute all steady states:

>>> steady = PyBoolNet.AspSolver.steady_states(primes)
>>> len(steady)