
are_equivalent(this: str, other: str) bool

uses minimize_espresso to compute whether this and other are equivalent.

are_mutually_exclusive(this: str, other: str) bool

uses minimize_espresso to compute whether A and B are mutually exclusive

implies(this: str, other: str) bool

uses minimize_espresso to compute whether this implies other.

minimize_espresso(expression: str, fname_out: Optional[str] = None, merge: bool = False, equiv: bool = False, exact: bool = False, reduce: bool = False) str

Tries to minimize a given boolean expression utilizing the heuristic minimization algorithm espresso and eqntott for its input preparation. Resulting expression is saved in file if filename for output is specified. The argument expression may be either the name of the input file containing the boolean expression or the string representing the expression itself. The input expression may not contain the following words: False, FALSE, True, TRUE, Zero, ZERO, One, ONE.

  • expression: name of file containing the expression or string contents of file

  • fname_out: name of the file to write the output to

  • merge: performs distance-1 merge on input, useful if very large

  • equiv: identifies equivalent output variables

  • exact: performs exact minimization algorithm, guarantees minimum number of product terms and heuristically minimizes number of literals, potentially expensive

  • reduce: eqntott tries to reduce the size of the truth table by merging minterms

  • minimized_expression: the minimized expression


>>> minimize_espresso("bool_function.txt", "minimized_function.txt" )
>>> minimize_espresso("var = (a & b) | a;")
>>> minimize_espresso("var = 1")
>>> minimize_espresso("(a & b) | a")